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Home / Cocktail Bombs / Cocktail Bomb | Dreamsicle

Cocktail Bomb | Dreamsicle

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Are you ready to be transported back to your childhood with a twist of adult fun?

Introducing our DREAMSICLE GLIMMER BOMB™ – a burst of citrusy goodness that will have you feeling like you're sipping on sunshine. This cocktail bomb features a shimmering mix of orange and vanilla flavors that will transport you straight to summer days and backyard barbecues. Perfectly sweet and tangy, it pairs perfectly with a splash of vodka for a refreshing twist on a classic screwdriver. Upgrade your cocktail game with our DREAMSICLE GLIMMER BOMB™ today!

Cocktail Recipe:


* Martini glass
* Sugar
* 6 oz of sparking water
* Vodka
* Ice cubes
* Orange twist

* Rim your martini glass with sugar.

This product does not contain alcohol.